Men's Minsitry

The men’s ministry at our church is a vibrant community of men who are passionate about growing in their faith, developing strong character, and living out their God-given purpose. This ministry provides a supportive environment where men can connect, encourage one another, and be equipped to become leaders in their homes, workplaces, and communities. Through Bible studies, small groups, mentorship programs, and retreats, the men’s ministry seeks to deepen men’s understanding of Scripture, foster spiritual growth, and address the unique challenges they face in their roles as husbands, fathers, and disciples of Christ.

Additionally, our church embraces the concept of Kingdom Builders, where men are encouraged to use their skills, resources, and influence to contribute to the advancement of God’s kingdom. We build houses together to generate some income to impact our community and to support missions work.

By investing in the spiritual growth and engagement of men, we aim to see transformed lives, strong families, and a positive impact on society as men fulfill their calling as Kingdom Builders.